My Red Comrade is what you would get if Clerks was directed by Tarkovsky. It was funny, it was sad and it was also super-duper deep. This film was a dramedy with ‘Her’ and ‘Him’ constant debates on politics, philosophy and life. It was a nature movie, with ‘Her’s’ constant sensual teasing and ‘Him’s’ stoic repulsion. The forth-wall breaking was also a unique touch seldom seen in local movies and they were total meta-narrative moments.
Although My Red Comrade is a two-character film with stellar performances by Tharindi Fernando and Asiri Allage, I felt that the wooden shack, where most of the plot unfolds, was the main character. It’s nice to see local filmmakers taking aesthetics seriously and not solely relying on the actors to carry the whole picture.
Red Circle Productions also did a good job. Kudos to the young crew making a difference in an industry dominated by those past retirement age who think they still can make movies because they have money. In any case, My Red Comrade has proven itself a proletarian movie, punching the bourgeoisie 24 frames per second and schooling aspiring tight-budget filmmakers how it’s done.
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